International Journal of Childhood Education
Journal Description
International Journal of Childhood Education (IJCE) is an online, peer-reviewed journal publishing scholarly articles on childhood education and its relevant aspects. The IJCE open-access Journal publishes various types of research works including theoretical articles, empirical papers, literature reviews, and book reviews. As a multidisciplinary Journal, IJCE seeks to stimulate knowledge exchange in a variety of settings and subjects within the field of childhood education. Articles proving evidence of robust empirical research with theoretically strong backgrounds are highly encouraged for submission.

About Journal
Original title: International Journal of Childhood Education
Short title: IJCE
ISSN: 2669-2325 (Electronic Version)
Frequency: Semiannual (2 issues per year)
Nature: Online
Language of Publication: English
Journal of Childhood Education is indexed/abstract with the following databases:
All Papers will be assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Crossref and will be indexed by Google Scholar.
More databases will be added to the list to ensure the maximum readership reach of your research paper. IJCE has linked its papers to references by DOIs assigned by Crossref. Publish your work at IJCE journal of childhood education to increase your visibility and readership worldwide
The scope of the Childhood Education journal includes but not limited to:
International Journal of Childhood Education (IJCE) welcomes a wide range of research articles exploring insights to professional, societal, pedagogical, or educational discussions related to childhood education. We are looking for innovative and intensive articles that contribute cutting-edge thinking in education leadership, school design, assessment improvements, education financing, technology, curriculum approaches, and professional development in the context of child education. We are particularly interested in inter-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary ideas and emerging trends and solutions to specific child education challenges.
The main objective aim of the IJCE Journal is to contribute to the development of child education research by promoting scientific dialogue and information sharing. It also aims to underline the opportunities for research-based decision-making and to enhance the awareness of early childhood education research.
The above-mentioned objectives will be pursued by:
- Publishing research papers in a wide range of relevant themes and topics
- Publishing critical reviews, quantitative, qualitative, mixed studies, and articles aimed at connecting theory to practice
- Setting up a global platform for the publication of original research on childhood education from an international perspective
- Making an assembly of international authors and readers from diverse disciplines and professional fields for a better understanding of the fundamental issues related to childhood education.
With an emphasis on the importance of research in childhood Education from a multidisciplinary perspective, IJCE invites submission of in-depth and intensive research papers within interdisciplinary fields including but not limited to the following areas:
- Childhood education, policy making, curricula development
- Educational programs in diverse settings
- Childhood special education
- Best classroom practices and professional development for educators and practitioners
- Family support and community action programs
- Children’s learning across various developmental domains, in family contexts and early childhood programs
- Understanding how children’s learning is supported within and across cultural contexts
- Social, economic and environmental sustainability and childhood education
- Policy analyses of national provisions and curricula for childhood education
- Professional learning of teachers, and other practitioners, working with young children
- Numeracy and mathematics learning and pedagogy
- Children’s development of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) concepts
- Language and literacy learning and its pedagogy
- Childhood play and children’s ‘design thinking’
- Care and education for vulnerable children
- Teacher education and development for primary school and early childhood development