European Journal of Economics

Journal Description

The European Journal of Economics is an online open-access international journal, which publishes scholarly articles on a wide variety of topics within the fields of Economics. Each study published by EJE undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer-review process.

About Journal

Original title: European Journal of Economics

Short title: EJE

ISSN: 2669-2384 (Electronic Version)

Frequency: Semiannual (2 issues per year)

Nature: Online

Language of Publication: English

European Journal of Economics is indexed/abstract with the following databases:

All Papers will be assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Crossref and will be indexed by Google Scholar.

More databases will be added to the list to ensure the maximum readership reach of your research paper. EJE has linked its papers to references by DOIs assigned by Crossref. Publish your work at EJE journal of Economics to increase your visibility and readership worldwide

The scope of the European Journal of Economics includes but not limited to:

The primary objective of the European Journal of Economics is to act as a medium of communication among academia, researchers, and practitioners. The EJE is intended to serve as the primary outlet for theoretical and empirical research in all areas of economics. Theoretical work submitted to the Journal should be original in its motivation or modeling structure. Empirical analysis should be based on a theoretical framework and should be capable of replication. The European Journal of Economics does not favor any particular topic but does have a focus on new and emerging problems.
The purpose of the journal is to select articles that will have high relevance and impact on a wide range of topics. All work submitted to the journal should be original in motivation or modeling.
We would like to welcome you and your colleagues to submit original works of research concerning economic theory and practice. Topics may particularly relate to individual countries of the region or comparisons with other countries. All submissions must be original and unpublished. Submissions must be in English. Please, note, all accepted manuscripts are tested on plagiarism before publication.

Subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields:
  • Aggregate Demand & Supply
  • Applied Economics
  • Budget Deficits & Public Debt
  • Comparative Economics
  • Compound Interest
  • Consumer Credit
  • Credit
  • Economic Institutions
  • Political Economy
  • Economic Institutions
  • Economic Systems
  • Employment and Unemployment
  • Energy Economics
  • Global Economy
  • Insurance
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Money Management/Budgeting

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