Future of Business Administration
Journal Description
Future of Business Administration (FBA) aims to play a vital role in assisting businesses and policy makers to develop services, policies, and products that are responsive to today’s world needs. Therefore, submissions are welcome which contribute to our understanding of the distinctive nature of businesses from all over the world. The journal covers a wide range of topics in this discipline and creates a platform for the authors to contribute towards the advancement of Business Administration and Management knowledge. We welcome submissions that utilize a wide spectrum of methodological approaches including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods from all over the world. All manuscripts will be peer review, to ensure the maintenance of high standards and quality in Future of Business Administration.
About Journal
Original title: Future of Business Administration
Short title: Future Bus. Adm.
ISSN: 2783-5936
Frequency: Semiannual (2 issues per year)
Nature: Online
Language of Publication: English
Business Administration Journal is indexed/abstract with the following databases:
All Papers will be assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Crossref and will be indexed by Google Scholar.
More databases will be added to the list to ensure the maximum readership reach of your research paper. FBA has linked its papers to references by DOIs assigned by Crossref. Publish your work at FBA journal of Business Administration to increase your visibility and readership worldwide
The scope of the Future of Business Administration includes but is not limited to the following topics:
Future of Business Administration (FBA) is a peer-reviewed, Open Access scholarly journal which disseminates papers related to the administration of a business. FBA is targeted at advancing the study of Business Administration Sciences in institutions and the functioning of industries, organizations, networks and civil societies in the management research and services. The journal is aimed at providing innovative insights in the field of business administration.
The scope of the journal includes:
- Accounting
- Administration decisions
- Business Ethics
- Business finance and investment Business Economics
- Business processes
- Consumer Behaviour
- Corporate Sustainability
- Digital Marketing
- Financial Literacy and Financial Behaviour
- General/strategic management
- Global business
- Human resources management
- Knowledge management
- Marketing
- Marketing Management and Strategy
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Organizational Behaviour
- People Management
- Production/operations management