European Journal of Teaching and Education (EJTE)
The European Journal of Teaching and Education (EJTE) is an online open-access international journal of education, which publishes scholarly articles on a wide variety of topics within the fields of teaching and education. Each study published by EJTE undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer-review process.
About EJTE journal of education
The European Journal of Teaching and Education (EJTE) is an online open-access international journal, which publishes scholarly articles on a wide variety of topics within the field of education, including, but not limited to, education theory and practice, policy and administration, e-learning, child and family education, lifelong learning, and others. Each study published by EJTE undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer-review process.
The research studies published by EJTE serve the goal of facilitating and enhancing the public discussion on the topics that are essential to the future of teaching and education. The themes explored throughout the publication set the foundation of our global and national approach to education within the frameworks of academia, practices, policies, and research. As such, EJTE strives to present its readers with a rich selection of perspectives and topics by bringing together experts from a range of clinical and research disciplines, along with policymakers and private institutions in education.
Original title: European Journal of Teaching and Education
Short title: EJTE
ISSN: 2669-0667 (Electronic Version)
Frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year)
Nature: Online
Language of Publication: English
European Journal of Teaching and Education is indexed/abstract with the following databases:
All Papers will be assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Crossref and will be indexed by Google Scholar.
Teaching Journal Focus and Scope
The European Journal of Teaching and Education (EJTE) strives to become the open forum for discussion that is facilitated by high-quality research in the field of teaching and education, offering policymakers, teachers, educators, researchers, members of non- and for-profit organizations, and other relevant institutions involved in the practices of teaching and educating a credible source of the latest research and developments in the field.
The teacher education journal, EJTE, places quality at the center of its review process and, as such, welcomes perspectives from members of the academia, educators, teachers, trainers, non-profit organizations, and other institutions to submit their abstracts, which will be evaluated purely based on the merit of work. Every paper is judged based on its originality, novelty, depth of research, relevance, significance, and readability. education journals constitutes a distinctive recognition among education journals locally and abroad. Enjoy the Fast-Track Publication services at a higher education journal.
The international scope of the publication ensures the diversity of perspectives, while the rigorous focus on quality is aimed to facilitate discussions on local, national, and global levels.
The following types of papers are published by education journals:
(1) reports of empirical research conducted through qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods;
(2) literature-based conceptual articles that expand the theoretical boundaries of teaching and education;
(3) praxis articles that uncover successful teaching and education practices with a solid basis in theory.
EJTE accepts submissions on the following subjects (please note that the list is not exhaustive):
- Counselor Education
- Educational Foundations
- Education Practice trends and Issues
- Theory and Practice of Physical Education Development
- Teaching Materials and Courseware Construction
- Education and Research Management
- Educational Measurement and Evaluation
- Teaching method Promote
- Pedagogy
- Curriculum, Research, and Development
- Education Policy and Administration
- Education Policy and Leadership
- Rural Education
- Student Affairs
- Lifelong Education
- Education, Research and Globalization
- Teacher Education
- Education and Management
- Continuous Education
- Higher Education
- Public Education Policy
- Adult and Continuing Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Teaching Talent Training
- Special Education
- Home Education
- Elementary Education
- Primary Education
- Secondary Education
- Comparison of Child Education in Different Countries
- Lifelong Learning
- E-learning
- Teaching and Learning
- Learning Difficulties
- Learning Psychology
- Inductive reasoning
- Machine Learning
- Language Acquisition
- Science Education
- Social Studies Education
- Business Education
- Music Education
- Art Education
- Health Education
- Language Education / ELT/ FLT
- Mathematics Education
- Health Education
- Medium Education
- Assessment and Evaluation